15-Month Online-Review Meeting
On 5 December, the Sulphurreal 15-month project review meeting was held online, bringing representatives from all project partners and the Programme Officer to the virtual
The SULPHURREAL project demonstrates an innovative approach to the direct storage of concentrated solar energy in solid elemental sulphur. The basic idea is to use concentrated solar energy to cyclically drive a series of chemical reactions that interconvert sulphuric acid and sulphur. The cycle can also be operated using sulphuric acid and sulphur feedstocks from existing large-scale industrial processes.
Catch up on our latest news and events.
On 5 December, the Sulphurreal 15-month project review meeting was held online, bringing representatives from all project partners and the Programme Officer to the virtual
We are excited to report the successful conclusion of Sulphurreal’s 12-month project meeting at Saint Gobain in Cavaillon. Thanks to the dedication and collaboration of
13-14 June 2024 – The Sulphurreal project participants held their 9-month project meeting. It was truly inspiring to see the progress that is being made
7 and 8 March 2024 – The members of the SULPHURREAL project met at CERTH in Thessaloniki for the project’s 6-month meeting to present the
November 9, 2023 – The kick-off meeting of the SULPHURREAL project in Cologne laid the basis for the future collaboration of the project participants. SULPHURREAL
This project has received funding from the European Union’s European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) programme under grant agreement no 101115538. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the institutions of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.